Listen to our new on-hold voice over messages available when you call us and we are busy. We do try to answer all calls as quickly as possible and on most occasions, our expert staff will be there to talk to you immediately. On the rare occasion when we are all busy talking to clients about their marketing data and data compliance requirements you will now get this informative message to listen to whilst you wait. We aim to keep your waiting time to a minimum so most times you won’t get to hear the whole message so if you do – click here.
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How will we use your information?
We will use the information that you are providing here to enable us to respond to your request and deliver our services to you. We will also add your details to our secure CRM system to help us manage our relationship with you as it develops. This means that we will be able to send you newsletters and details about our products and services that we think will be relevant and of interest to you. We’ll keep your information safe and secure and we won’t share your details with anyone else without asking you first. We might use third party companies to process your information on our behalf, for example cloud based software or post or email distribution companies if we are sending you a newsletter. Of course, you can always opt out any time, just let us know. Please visit our privacy policy for a more detailed look at how we manage personal information.
DBS Datamarketing Ltd
1 Buckingham Court
Dairy Road