Established in 2012, Swoon, is a UK design-led online brand with a mission to create distinctive designs that last for generations and sell at affordable prices.
When the company took the decision to use direct mail as an acquisition only campaign for the first time, it turned to DBS Data’s partner, Mailbird, following an introduction from the Royal Mail. Together, the two data-driven marketing companies delivered a campaign that resulted in product lines selling out, coupled with return-on-investment statistics that far exceeded independent research predictions.
Focusing on highest quality look-a-like data and not volume
For Swoon’s first direct mail campaign, DBS identified 25,000 affluent prospects that should be the first to receive its high-quality 32-page A5 printed catalogue. DBS’s team of data experts use advanced profiling techniques, statistical modelling and insight analytics, interrogating its B2C Data Universe, dbsLifebase – which holds insights relating to more than 35 million individuals in 21 million households – to identify those who should receive the mailing.
Client Relationship Manager at DBS Data, Nathan Rose, explains: “We conducted a detailed analysis of Swoon’s existing market segments and within just a few days our team was able to accurately pinpoint potential customers with the highest propensity to respond positively to the campaign.”
Group Sales Director at Mailbird, Chris Rothwell comments: “The campaign with Swoon encapsulated two of the major reasons why we prefer to work with DBS for our data needs. Firstly, we value their consultative approach and the attention to detail with regards to understanding what the client needs and wants. The team presents us with fresh ideas and approaches for us to consider and take to the client. Also, they prioritise quality over the quantity of data.”
Rose adds: “Volume is important but the key to building longevity with our partners and their customers is to consistently deliver the very best quality compliant data, to achieve the overall campaign objectives.”
Industry beating 2.1% response rate and 23 times return-on advertising spend
The campaign was fulfilled in June and the results were tremendous, more than doubling the results predicted by a bespoke JICMAIL data analysis, conducted at the start of Mailbird’s work with Swoon to demonstrate the potential impact of direct mail on its sales. The 2.1 percent response rate and a return-on-advertising spend in excess of 23 times translated into new revenue of more than £300,000. Rothwell observes how timing and unique circumstances contributed to its success: “The catalogue was delivered during the height of the Covid-19 lockdown, during which time spending on household goods skyrocketed.”
Direct mail now an essential element of Swoon’s marketing strategy
The results of the campaign have led Swoon to make direct mail a firm part of its ongoing marketing strategy, including a pre-Christmas mailing planned for November. “This campaign is the perfect example of a company with great products eager to try something new but needing the reassurance that their investment would deliver a return on marketing,” concludes Rothwell. “The pre-campaign analysis with JICMAIL, our development of a compelling creative, teamed with DBS’s high-quality prospect data, and timely fulfilment, has together resulted in a client’s expectations being exceeded.”
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DBS Datamarketing Ltd
1 Buckingham Court
Dairy Road