CHELMSFORD, UK, 30th MARCH 2017, DBS Data the UK business and consumer marketing data specialists, today revealed the results of a survey looking at consumer attitudes to personal data protection and usage in the UK. The results indicate that whilst there is concern about how companies may currently hold and process personal data, many see value in personalised marketing approaches.
The survey of UK adult consumers was conducted by DBS Data in 2017, between January and February 2017 to gauge public opinion ahead of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes in to force in May next year. The results show that only 32% of UK consumers are very concerned about how companies may currently hold and process their personal information, with 63% slightly concerned and 5% not concerned at all.
When asked how they would prefer to be contacted by brands, 56% of respondents would rather receive tailored adverts based on their interests or previous shopping habits than random approaches. The survey points to email (68%) being the preferred channel by far, for consumers to receive offers and promotions from brands, followed by post (18%), social networks (6%), online banners (5.5%), SMS (2%) and telephone the least popular (1.5%). However, 57% stated they are not happy for companies to share information about them, so that they can make their marketing more relevant.
“The results of this survey give cause for much optimism,” states Adam Williams, Managing Director of DBS Data. “With the right education, we can show consumers the value that can be returned to them in terms of highly personalised offers and products, in exchange for using their data in a responsible and consensual way.”
The survey also revealed that 76.5% are currently unaware of the GDPR and Williams sees this as a good opportunity to help inform consumers. “GDPR is great news for consumers as it will inevitably drive up standards regarding how personal data is managed. Knowing that their personal information is being safeguarded in this way should give consumers more confidence that the brands they do business with can be trusted to act responsibly.”
About DBS Data
Since 1994, DBS Data has been a trusted source of compliant and innovative B2B and B2C data solutions. The company believes that properly targeted communications, utilising accurate and reliable data, benefits consumers and businesses alike and that good data lies at the heart of any meaningful communication. Today, its 45,000,000 record B2C data-pool is one of the most comprehensive resources for consumer data available on the UK market, complemented by DBS’s own Pre & Post Campaign Analytics service.
DBS has also innovated in the delivery of Data As A Service, with its Verifi solution enabling marketers to verify and append data in real-time, during omni-channel interactions. It has also built in-house its own 12 million record goneaway suppression file – Purifi, as well as recently launching a 2.5 million record charity file.
The company has a reputation for ethically sourced and managed data and has pioneered in this area with the introduction of the industry’s first 28-day suppression and ethical data policies. DBS has also taken a leading role in driving standards throughout the data industry driving awareness of issues relating to compliance (particularly GDPR) and collaborating with the DMA to become one of the first businesses to pass its extended compliance audit process.
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How will we use your information?
We will use the information that you are providing here to enable us to respond to your request and deliver our services to you. We will also add your details to our secure CRM system to help us manage our relationship with you as it develops. This means that we will be able to send you newsletters and details about our products and services that we think will be relevant and of interest to you. We’ll keep your information safe and secure and we won’t share your details with anyone else without asking you first. We might use third party companies to process your information on our behalf, for example cloud based software or post or email distribution companies if we are sending you a newsletter. Of course, you can always opt out any time, just let us know. Please visit our privacy policy for a more detailed look at how we manage personal information.
DBS Datamarketing Ltd
1 Buckingham Court
Dairy Road